Arnaud Alain Rognon Psychologische Beratung

Arnaud Alain Rognon

Psychologische Beratung CH, Counsellor CH, Psychotherapist UK
Beratung Psychologische Berater:in
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Über mich

I am trained in integrative and psychodynamic psychotherapy and specialize in existential psychotherapy. My objective is to work with you and help you uncover the root of your challenges and make sense of them, and to see how they impact your life today.

I started my practice after working with displaced people in the south of Europe for a few years.

The work led me naturally to counselling and inspired me to train in that area. I practice in Zurich, Switzerland, in the centre, which is quite easily accessible for professionals.

The office is located next to the main train station and is also perfect for professionals who need to meet in the morning or over lunch. I also practice regularly in the UK, in central London, next to St Pancras station or Euston, which is very well located and easy to access.


  • Englisch
  • Französisch


Details zum Standort
Adresse vor Ort
Limmatquai 138
8001 Zurich
Maps Link


  • Vor Ort
  • Per Telefon
  • Online


  • Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy
  • Advanced Diploma in Existential Psychotherapy


Kennenlerngespräch / 15 min / kostenlos
Einzelsitzung / 60 min / CHF 160
Paarsitzung / 60 min / CHF 190

Akzeptierte Zusatzversicherungen

  • Keine
Psychologische Beratungen sind grundsätzlich nicht mit der Grundversicherung abgedeckt. Die Kostenbeteiligung der Zusatzversicherungen sind unterschiedlich.


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